How did we get here

gps.jpgGrahame & Patty Scarratt worked in Latin America as missionaries from 1980 through 2003, during which time they set up MOCLAM: Moore College in Latin America, an organization which facilitates the use of the external courses from Moore Theological College in Spanish. In 2003 they returned to Australia and until 2010, spent 3-4 months each year travelling throughout the Spanish-speaking world promoting the courses, doing seminars on Biblical Theology and promoting related books they published in Spanish. Based in Kiama, on the south coast of New South Wales, Australia, they continued to work in conjunction with MOCLAM (Moore College en Latinoamérica), and in the preparation of materials for publication in Spanish.

In the latter half of 2005, due to their frustration over not being able to get the good books used as texts for the Moore College courses published in Spanish, they set up a non-profit publishing company which allowed them to publish, at a price that the average person in Latin America could afford to pay, books such as those mentioned in our resources section or on the Libros Gran Panorama home page. The intent from the outset was to pursue this venture as a ministry and not a viable economic proposition so that the prices of the materials and resources could be kept to a minimum.

Life Change through Christ Trust

As a result of this initiative, on the 28th December, 2006, Grahame & Patty set up the Life Change through Christ Trust (LCC Trust) to raise money to fund the publication of some of the great Christian books and other resources available in English in the area of Biblical Theology and which we enjoy and take so much for granted.

Fast-forward a decade of promoting and producing materials to 2016, with Grahame and Patty not getting any younger, their son Phil joined them in the ministry team. He was 6 years old when he went to Chile in 1980 and has many memories of study groups there and of much computer work and the writing and printing of courses and books. After finishing school and whilst at University, Phil studied many of the distance-learning courses from Moore College and was heavily involved in his local church, leading youth groups and Bible studies, with occasional opportunities to preach and to teach the Moore College courses. During this time he married, had 3 children and set up and ran his own business. Nevertheless he became more and more desperate to be involved in a gospel ministry rather than in the secular sphere, and so when Grahame and Patty were looking at the future of the venture, Phil came on-board.

Over the next few years it became apparent that the Trust was not an appropriate method of ensuring the continuation of the ministry and so a not-for-profit, charitable company has formed and registered in 2019. This will ensure that the ministry can, under God, thrive and fulfill its mission.

© LCC Ministries Ltd
