First and foremost we would like to publicly acknowledge that this ministry is only here because of God's will. Looking back we are able to see how God has worked to get us to this position, and we pray that we would continue to honour and glorify Him through what we do here.
A thank you to the many authors of the resources we have had the privileged of publishing. Thank you for your work and dedication to the Lord.
A big thank you also goes to the many volunteers that have helped in one way or another over the years, not the least of which are the trustees of the old trust fund (Life Change through Christ Trust) and the directors of Life Change through Christ Ministries Limited. We thank you.
We would also like to credit the various photographers and artists on Unsplash and Freely, from which most of the stock images for banners and other purposes on this site have been sourced.
This site is built on Concrete5 using the Genesis theme.
We are a non-profit organisation seeking to publish, promote and distribute Christ-centred resources in Spanish. We seek to make the materials and resources available in the Spanish-speaking world at an affordable price, often at below cost. We rely on the generous donations of our supporters to maintain and run this ministry.